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2003: Humble Beginnings

The wash-trails project started in July, 2003. We discovered a very rudimentary walking trail crossing the greenbelt between Alpen Court and Freeman Drive. The trail went close by a beautiful wetland area. The trail was very rough, and blocked by debris and overgrowth in many places. We started to clean it up so we could stroll to the wetlands, which we continue to enjoy to this day. This is how the original trail looked in early September, 2003, after the initial clean-up operation (photo sequence going east to west, from Alpen Court towards Freeman Drive.

(7) Later in September, clearing was started in the backyard area at the request of our home-insurance company for fire safety reasons.

(8) This route, seen below, later became the pathway leading to the Wedding Bridge, which was installed in January, 2006.

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