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2004: Wetlands Trail

By later winter, early spring in 2004, the wetlands trail had been further improved with wood chips. A clearly defined pathway through this area helps to protect the wetlands from people wandering haphazardly across this delicate ecosystem.

Our English Shepherd, Max, is featured in this series of photos. He is not posing for the camera, but rather he is telling me to.... hurry up, lets go for a walk.

(14) ^ ^ ^ ^ Closer to the wetlands area the wood chips stop and grass pathways are used. The grass pathways are maintained regularly, especially during the spring and summer fast-growth season.

(15) ^ ^ ^ ^ This is called the Wild Roses Table, as it is surrounded by native wild roses (Rosa Californica / California Wild Rose) which bloom in late June and early July each year.

(16) ^ ^ ^ ^ This is called the Sunset Table as it is a wonderful vantage point to view the sun setting on the slopes of Mount Pinos.

(17) ^ ^ ^ ^ Another view of the Sunset Table seen from the opposite direction (Sawmill Mountain in the background).

(18) ^ ^ ^ ^ The Wild Roses Table seen in early snow on December 28th, 2004.

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